Reach out to the Best Long Beach Property Management Company to Handle Landlord Tenant Laws

In Long Beach, California, property owners must follow every regulation while leasing their units. Apart from the landlord’s compliance to federal laws, there are other local rules that tenants must also adhere to. If you are a property investor in the city, you can consult a Long Beach property management company like us. We are up-to-date with every landlord-tenant law that will help you protect your interests at each stage of renting out your unit.

Long Beach Property Management Company: Understanding Federal Landlord Tenant Laws

In Long Beach, you must take these two federal landlord tenant laws into consideration while leasing out your property:

  1. Fair Housing Act

This act rules out prejudice due to religion, sex, color, gender, familiar status, disability and national origin. It offers equal opportunities to every individual irrespective of the above pointers.

  2. Fair Credit Reporting Act

This act governs the collection of tenants’ credit history for credit reporting systems. Under this act, you must get the tenant’s permission to use his/her credit history, and give information on the credit reporting agency used. You must also inform whether the denial or adverse action was based on the report.

Long Beach Property Management Company: How to Handle Other Landlord Tenant Laws

 Long beach property management
It’s important to familiarize yourself with the landlord-tenant laws that are specific to State and city, as state laws vary from state to state. You can be sued even if you are unaware of the state/city-specific laws. At Beach Front Property Management Inc., the in-house experts help guide you through the legalities of state-specific laws.

Legal Lease Document

When a tenant occupies your unit, it is your duty to provide the rent agreement and other legal documents. Duration of the lease, tenant’s name, rental rates and rules must be clearly mentioned.

1. Laws about Safety Features

Being a landlord, it is your duty to protect your tenants and ensure their safety. Your property should have fire and carbon monoxide detectors, fire extinguishers, door and window locks, exterior door peepholes and deadbolt locks.

2. Laws about Known Criminal Activity

If you become  aware of any illegal activity occurring in your house by your tenant, you should immediately report it to the authorities. It could be substance use or worse.

If anything happening in your rental unit is suspected to be illegal, you could be held responsible for it and will have to face legal ramifications.

3. Laws about a Tenant’s Right to Privacy

Once you have rented your house, it is the tenants’ right to live at peace there. You being the landlord, cannot barge into the property without prior notice of 24 to 48 hours, unless in an emergency.

What More Can a Long Beach Property Management Company do

Apart from the ones mentioned above, there are many other landlord tenant laws that need to be followed in Long Beach. At Beach Front Property Management Inc., we provide all the necessary assistance with the laws to optimize your future gains. Feel free to reach out to us.

Trevor Henson

Trevor Henson is an experienced entrepreneur (10+ highly-successful start-ups) and property investor with a demonstrated history of building and leading teams in investment property management environments, maximizing returns for property owners, and optimizing properties through construction management and re-positioning. He…
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