How to Clean Up Bugs and Roaches After Extermination

cleaning after roach extermination

Pests such as rats, cockroaches, and bed bugs can be a major nuisance, damaging furniture and potentially spreading diseases. Naturally, we seek to eliminate them promptly. Engaging a professional home exterminator is among the most effective pest control methods. These experts offer specialized services to rid your home of unwanted pests. 

The sense of relief upon knowing your pest problem has been handled by a professional is unparalleled. Yet, there are steps homeowners can take after extermination to prevent pests and rodents from returning. 

This guide outlines the necessary precautions before the exterminator arrives, post-treatment measures, and the recommended waiting period following pesticide application. 

What is an Exterminator? 

An exterminator is a professional tasked with identifying, managing, and eliminating various pests, such as insects, rodents, and other unwanted pests, from homes, businesses, and other properties. They employ a range of methods, including chemical treatments, traps, and preventive measures, to address pest infestations effectively. Exterminators not only eradicate existing pests but also strive to understand the underlying causes of infestation to prevent future occurrences. Through their expertise and specialized training, they safeguard environments against the health hazards and property damage associated with pest presence, ensuring the safety and well-being of occupants and preserving the integrity of structures. 

Cleaning After Roach Infestation 

After the exterminator departs, you might detect a persistent odor in your home. Confirm with the exterminator if this is typical and inquire about resuming regular household maintenance. While you shouldn’t disturb the treatment applied by the exterminator, neglecting cleaning tasks in the following days isn’t advisable. It is crucial to understand proper cleaning methods to avoid compromising the effectiveness of the pesticides. Your exterminator might provide specific guidelines, but here are some general steps to initiate cleaning post-rodent extermination or any other extermination procedure: 

1. Find the Point to Start 

After undergoing pest control treatment, the task of cleaning an entire house might appear overwhelming. To alleviate this stress, it is advisable to find a starting point and begin the cleaning process. By doing so, you can maintain an organized track of the areas already cleaned and those requiring attention. This methodical approach ensures thoroughness and helps manage the task effectively, making the post-treatment cleaning process more manageable. 

2. Keep the Kitchen Dry 

Insects are naturally drawn to moisture, including liquids like oil or spilled wine. Thus, maintaining dryness in your kitchen space and promptly wiping surfaces after using water proves to be the most effective strategy in preventing pests from returning. 

3. Clean Kitchen Cabinets 

The kitchen cupboards and cabinets serve as storage spaces for your vital food supplies. It is advisable to use a clean washcloth to wipe them down and ensure the surfaces are dry before storing any items inside. 

4. Wash your Dishes 

After finishing wiping your cabinets, wash your dishes carefully and dry them completely before storing. Additionally, make sure all food items are stored in plastic containers. It is essential to avoid consuming uncovered food during house treatment, so dispose of any uncovered items. 

5. Clear out Your Sink 

Following pest control, ensure your sink and basin remain clean and dry to prevent additional pest breeding and infestation. 

6. Clean the Floor 

Typically, pesticide sprays are formulated to remain effective within your home for 30-90 days. While it is fine to mop floors using warm soapy water, it is advisable to refrain from mopping wall areas. It is essential to consult your home exterminator for precise guidelines. Additionally, take care not to promptly clean the wall edges, as this could disrupt the treatment process. 

7. Clear Your Dining Area 

Clear any debris from your dining space and chairs. Dispose of any fruits or perishables left out during the extermination process. 

8. Wipe Down Windows and Walls 

Use a moistened cloth to cleanse window surfaces and household walls, eliminating dust and chemical residues. For doorknobs, drawers, windows, and walls, prepare a solution comprising equal parts water and vinegar to wipe away dirt effectively. By consistently upholding cleanliness across surfaces, you can effectively prevent pests from entering your home in the future. 

9. Get Rid of Uncovered Food Items 

Pest control firms utilize chemicals and fumigants to eradicate pests from your residence. If you spot exposed food post-treatment, it is essential to dispose of it for safety reasons. Additionally, ensure leftover food is properly sealed, and maintain a clean kitchen after meals to eliminate potential food sources for pests. By taking these measures, you can effectively remove unwanted pests from any available food sources, enhancing the efficacy of the pest control treatment. 

10. Vacuum and Steam Furniture 

Depending on the treatment method and situation, you might observe deceased insects. Utilize a vacuum to eliminate dead pests throughout your residence. Afterward, clear out cupboards and cabinets for thorough vacuuming. Shift furniture within your home and vacuum all surfaces properly. Furthermore, vacuum your mattress to get rid of small insects prior to replacing the bedding. 


As a landlord, you need to ensure you take precautions if there are any pests. 

After performing an initial pest control and deep cleaning of the property, have a specialist come to do an inspection. Even if you cannot see any bugs, the specialist will be able to search in the places where pests could be hiding. Bedbugs, for example, can be hard to detect without a professional. Depending on if the property needs a pest treatment, you will also need to do a deep clean after the treatment has been done.  

The pest control specialist will be able to tell you how long you need to wait before cleaning so that the treatment is not wiped away. When cleaning after treatment, a generic wiping down the counters and mopping the floors won’t cut it. Consider hiring professional cleaners. Treatments often leave behind a residue that can be harmful to people or animals. For example, if someone has recently conducted cockroach treatment, then the insides of the kitchen cabinets need to be cleaned. This will ensure that no residue gets on any plates or food inside the cabinets. Cockroach treatment is very common in cities like Long Beach, so make sure you keep this in mind!  

For any queries related to property management, feel free to contact us at BFPM. 


Kathleen Bowering

Kathleen Bowering is pursuing her dream of obtaining a master’s degree from California State University Long Beach. She enjoys writing about property management, apartment renovations, and all-things related to real estate. You can find her posted up against a tree…
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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Heat treatment should immediately kill bed bugs in the treated area. However, chemical treatments kill bed bugs only if they come into contact with the chemical. So the time frame is a bit difficult to estimate, but they should die within a few days. And you would find dead bed bugs for a week or so after the treatment.

Yes, having dead cockroaches in your home is a fail-safe way to attract additional cockroach infestations.

You can typically clean immediately after pest control for roaches. However, it's advisable to wait for any insecticide sprays to dry completely before wiping surfaces or vacuuming to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.

After extermination or cleaning after pest control, use a vacuum to remove dead roaches from around the house, including cupboards and cabinets. Move furniture to access all areas for vacuuming and ensure to vacuum the mattress before replacing bedding to eliminate any remaining insects.