Common House Pests You Don’t Want in Your Property

Most Common House Pests

You may be a stickler for cleanliness, however, that does not ensure that you will not encounter household pests at your property. In fact, an article on the Atlantic details that American homes are filled with house bugs, with some of them containing anywhere from 32 to 211 species of insects. While some of these house bugs may be harmless, a number of them can cause health issues as well as cause damage to your home, if left unattended.

The first thing you need is to be armed with enough information about these common household bugs to effectively deal with them. Here are all the details you need to ensure that you can prevent different types of bugs from taking over your home:




While some common house pests may be a minor nuisance, the termite can literally destroy your home. The Washington Post reports that termites cause $5 billion worth of property damage every year. A colony of termites is reportedly able to eat through a foot-long, 2-inch-by-4-inch beam. That it can spell trouble for your home is given! 

Signs of Termite Infection

Watch out for telltale signs of a termite infestation. Loose tiles can be an indication of  termites, as they can introduce moisture into your flooring. Mounds of termite pellets on the floor, which resemble fine wood shavings or salt, are also indicative of termites. 

Ways to Deal With It

There’s only so much you can do once termites invade your property, especially if you spot an infestation when it has already become acute. While you can replace the wood that has been damaged by termites, you would need a permanent solution! It is best to call in termite experts as soon as possible.

Common House Pests You Don’t Want at Your Property
A property management company can help ensure a licensed exterminator eradicates pests at your property on a regular basis.


The last thing you want is for wasps to establish their nests anywhere on your property. Of the common house pests, wasps pack quite the sting. They are known to be extremely territorial and aggressive towards humans and pets. 

Ways to Deal With It

To deal with wasps with brute force is not advisable, especially as their venom contains a pheromone which when released, will make nearby wasps more aggressive. Preventive measures you can take include sealing up cracks around the house where wasps can build their nests. You can also install natural wasp repellents such as wormwood shrubs that will go a long way in preventing a wasp infestation.


Cockroaches are one of the most common household pests as also the most notorious. They are known to soil living environments and make for an overall unhealthy atmosphere within the spaces that they inhabit. According to the American Lung Association, early exposure to cockroaches is linked to the onset of asthma in children. They also spread harmful bacteria on surfaces they crawl on, putting everyone that comes into contact with them at a health risk.

Ways to Deal With It

The easiest way to ensure that you do not have to deal with cockroaches in the first place is to ensure you keep the house clean. Make sure you don’t have any food constantly exposed around the house and dispose of the waste properly so you do not invite cockroaches. 

While you can opt to use sprays and pesticides to get rid of cockroaches, be careful as the chemicals could produce adverse effects in humans as well. 


Odds are that you have had some encounter with these blood-sucking flies, a common house pest! Whether you have had them buzzing in your ears or suffered the red, itchy bump from being bitten by them. They are known to cause deadly diseases such as Malaria, Zika virus and more.

Ways to Deal With It

To keep your property free of mosquitoes, ensure that you do not allow water to accumulate, as even a puddle can be a breeding ground. They tend to rest in dark humid places, so under the sink or in the laundry room are areas to watch out for. Also, remember to tightly cover any water storage containers so that mosquitoes cannot lay eggs. Using an indoor insect fogger to get rid of mosquitoes, or consulting with a mosquito control specialist for treatment options, work well if your property is infested.

Bed Bugs

Contrary to their name, bed bugs are common household bugs that are present not just on beds but also in cracks and crevasses. The fact that they spread quickly adds to their menace. 

Ways to deal with it

Removing bed bugs can take time and effort. If you have a large infestation, you could try using insecticides. However, it is important to follow the instructions given carefully as they could be toxic for humans. Some of the other non-chemical approaches include washing bedding in hot water for 30 minutes or using a steamer on mattresses or couches where bed bugs hide.

Who is Responsible for Pest Control?

The responsibility of pest control generally falls on the owner when it comes to rental units. That’s why it’s important to outline the requirements in the lease agreement as the expectations are laid down in advance. It’s also equally important to lay down expectations to the owner’s responsibility. For example, it should be made clear that the renters will be responsible for the eradication of fleas and ticks if they have pets. The bottom line being, tenants can be asked to take control of the pest situation if they were responsible for the bug problem. Make sure to take the help of a property management company to get such nuances of the lease agreement right. 

Here’s to your peace of mind with a household pest-free property!



Marinna Frech

Marinna Frech is an avid researcher and blogger, putting her passions to the test with endless published content in a wide variety of industries.
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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Pests such as ants, cockroaches, termites, rodents and honeybees are capable of causing the most damage to your home.

Mosquitoes, bed bugs, crickets and centipedes are some of the nocturnal insects that come out at night.

Flies, cockroaches, birds, and rodents are main food pests that can contaminate your food, ruin the packaging and can do some costly damage.

The first thing not to do is to panic. Stay calm and try to find out where they are coming from. The most common locations are attics, basements, bathrooms, or kitchens. Check all kitchen cabinets, closets, corners, wall cavities, etc. Call an expert for pest control.